Project Euler 351 - Hexagonal Orchards

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Thought Process

Clearly we only need to consider one sixth of the hexagon and then we can multiply the final answer by 6.

Lets focus on the top right triangle

I include a diagram to help readers understand.

Lets denote the angle between P0-P1 and P0-P2 as Angle 1. Then the angle between P0-P1 and P0-P3 is clearly 1/2 of Angle 1, lets call it Angle 1/2. Now clearly the angle between P0-P1 and P0-P4 is also Angle 1, we've already seen this angle before, hence the point will be hidden. Similarly we can see that between P0-P1 and P0-P5 we have Angle 1/3. In short each point, x, on the n-th layer represents Angle x/n. 

For example on the 4-th layer we have the 3rd point, P6, will have Angle 2/4 = Angle 1/2

Now the problem is simple. 

We just need to find all of the points which have an angle x/n such that gcd(x, n) > 1. We know that on the n-th layer there are gonna be φ(n), where φ(n) is Euler's Totient Function, numbers, x, such that gcd(x, n) = 1, therefore there are n - φ(n) numbers such that gcd(x, n) > 1.

Then we have a nice formula for H(n). Take note of the Totient Summatory Function

Originally just using the wiki page and my mobius sieve I could get the answer in ~85 seconds.

After solving the problem you have access to the PDF overview of the problem, which shows you how to implement the Totient Summatory Function efficiently. I implemented algorithm 6 detailed on the PDF, then runtime has now dropped to ~1 second!

This new algorithm has been added to my python package mathslib

Interactive Code

Input an Integer (yourinput)

Code will output H(n)